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Professional Development Committee

Snow College

Emily Thomas - Committee Chair 2024-2025

Snow College

Julie Erickson- Committee Vice-Chair 2024-2025

Committee Members


The purpose of Snow College Staff Association Professional Development Committee is to create and sustain comprehensive programs and events that promote and support the professional growth of the Snow College staff.


SCSA Professional Development Grant

The SCSA Professional Development Committee has worked hard to make available to Snow Staff a new Grant.  Please click on this LINK to learn more.


Meeting minutes are stored on Canvas, and can be accessed through the following link: Link

March 2023 - SCSA Staff Development Lunch and Learn "IT Office 365 / Teams" Tips and Tricks
Link: SCSA IT Office 365 / Teams
November 2022 - SCSA Staff Development Brunch & Learn "Delegating Better Together" Presenter Carson Howell
Link: SCSA Staff Brunch & Learn
Campus Presentation: Justin Jones-Fosu Jr.  "Meaningful Work"
Link: Justin Jones-Fosu Jr.
October 2022 - SCSA Staff Development Brunch & Learn "Working Better Together" Presenter Robert Nielson
Link: SCSA Staff Brunch and Learn
March 2022 - UHESA Professional Development Event "An Honest Conversation about Creating Balance"

We are please to make available to our Snow College Staff Association the recording of  Dr. Tara S. Ivie, Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence at Utah Valley University, led an honest conversation about creating balance, sharing real examples, practical strategies, and how to find what fits you in this age and stage and beyond.

It's well worth your time to watch and take notes!
Link: Tara Ivie
October 2020 "Growth Outside Your Circle" Professional Development Lunch video: