
荣誉项目 应用程序

Before applying to the 荣誉项目, please make sure you have applied to 雪的大学.

Submissions for fall entrance into the 雪的大学 荣誉项目 will be evaluated 在四月或五月. Submissions by current 雪的大学 students accepted year-round.

The 雪的大学 荣誉项目 values intellectual curiosity and a love of learning. The 荣誉项目 provides rigorous learning opportunities for students interested in deep interdisciplinary learning and formal and informal mentoring opportunities.

If you are interested in joining the 荣誉项目 and enhancing your educational experience at 雪的大学, please fill out the following application.

应用程序s are reviewed by the 荣誉项目 Directors and/or 荣誉项目 Committee. 应用程序s are considered holistically using the following criteria:

  • Depth of thought and critical thinking, including specific support and examples
  • Thoughtful consideration of 荣誉项目 and your personal educational goals
  • Quality of writing

Basic 应用程序 Questions

Please provide the following information. Information is confidential and will be used for advising and informing students of Honors activities.

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Note: For international addresses please put full address in "street address" and NA in other address options.
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Personal 状态ment and 短的文章

荣誉项目 Qualifications

Typical 雪的大学 Honors students have the following characteristics:

  • 问题解决者
  • Interested in interactive peer-to-peer learning
  • Creative thinkers
  • Curious about a variety of disciplines
  • Innovative in personality or thinking processes
  • Invested in class-discussion-based learning
  • Dedicated to working closely with faculty mentors

The 雪的大学 荣誉项目 does not have a minimum requirement for 平均绩点 or test scores, though a typical Honors student has an 平均绩点 of at least 3.5 or an ACT composite score of 26.

An 荣誉项目 Course

A typical 荣誉项目 course has the following characteristics:

  • Utilize course materials in addition to or instead of a standard textbook. Primary sources may be part of these non-textbook course materials.
  • Encourage discussion and student participation instead of relying solely on a traditional lecture and test format.
  • Teach research skills, require in-depth reading, promote writing skills, and provide critical thinking opportunities.
  • Be led by teachers who are highly accessible to students, engaging in the classroom, and academically excellent.
  • Utilize interdisciplinary connections or be paired with other classes.
  • Include input from students on class policies, content, and assessments.
  • Explore the history or philosophy of a discipline.
  • Involve student travel, guest presenters, or service learning.

Personal 状态ment

Please submit a short personal statement (about 500 words long) that illustrates your interest in the 荣誉项目, how you see the program aligning with your educational goals, and how you see yourself contributing to the 荣誉项目 as a student. Remember that this statement will be evaluated, 在某种程度上, on writing quality, so please proofread carefully.

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Please answer ONE of the following questions thoroughly in about 300 words. Remember that this essay will be evaluated, 在某种程度上, on writing quality, so please proofread carefully.

  • Pick one of your extracurricular interests, describe what it is, and explain how it has helped you grow as an individual.
  • Give an example of a time you had to overcome a challenge outside of your control. How did you develop as an individual as a result of this challenge?
  • Pick an influential person in your life (could be either someone you know personally or someone you admire who has made a significant contribution to the world) and explain how that person has made an impact on you. In what ways has this person's influence motivated you?
  • Identify something you have created yourself and explain the process you used to create it. What did this process teach you? How has this creation benefited you or others?
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