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Course: TESL 1997

Division: Humanities
Department: Languages & Linguistics
Title: TESL Internship

Semester Approved: Spring 2024
Five-Year Review Semester: Fall 2028
End Semester: Fall 2029

Catalog Description: This course is designed to provide hands-on, real-life experience in Teaching English as a Second Language. 实习是学生导师将理论与实践联系起来的机会. 实习可以引入英语作为第二语言教学领域的学生导师,在他们大学经历的早期巩固他们的兴趣和技巧. Internships are temporary, 实习经验旨在帮助学生导师确定他们在课堂上的学习如何应用于实际教学经验. Internships can be paid or volunteer, 可以在教室前面,也可以在一对一的辅导经历中. 学生导师被鼓励寻找工作,以帮助ESL部门的需求或在当地的学校.本课程最多修读6学分,每学期不超过3学分(建议修读2学分)。. Unless a student is in a teaching/studying abroad environment. Each credit requires 45 clock hours of internship experience. Internships are pass/fail credits. 学生导师希望获得一个成绩,将需要与实际工作经验之外的重要学术工作谈判合同.

Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1-6; Lecture: 1-6; Lab: 0
Repeatable: Yes.

Prerequisites: TESL 1400; may be taken concurrently

Justification“实习是一种体验式学习的形式,它将课堂上学到的知识和理论与专业环境中的实际应用和技能发展相结合. Internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate them." (NACE Definition, As such, 实习为学生提供了通过参与环境探索职业选择的机会, 他们帮助学生将学术材料和技能应用到实际工作中, they provide valuable professional experience, and they develop interpersonal skills. 参加实习机会的学生比不参加实习的学生更快地找到工作,也更快地得到晋升. Often internships work well as capstone courses. 所有USHE机构都为学生提供实习机会. 学生每学期最多可修3个实习学分(建议修2个), unless they are teaching/studying abroad. 副学士学位不超过6个学分.

Student Learning Outcomes:
理解并将课堂材料应用到专业工作环境中.  学生导师将通过最后的反思论文来证明这种联系, their journal entries, and in conversation with faculty mentor and work supervisor.

培养人际交往能力和对不同人群的敏感度. 学生导师将通过与其他学生导师谈判来展示人际关系和包容能力, students in the classroom, faculty and supervisors as they present lessons. 学生导师将展示他们包容和尊重不同人群的能力. This will also be assessed through periodic work reviews.

Develop professionalism by developing self-initiative, time management skills, effect communication skills, punctuality and professional conduct.   This will be assessed through periodic work reviews.

将与ESL学生一起工作的一些事情与TESL教学联系起来.  学生导师将通过反思日志来证明这一点, writing a lesson plan, in their final papers, and in conversation with their faculty mentors.

发现TESL职业生涯所需的教育和实践经验.  学生导师将通过反思日志和与教师导师的对话来证明这一点.

Network with ESL professors.  学生导师将在他们的日记和与教师导师的对话中证明这一点.

这将由学生导师,教师导师和工作主管共同确定. 如果这个学生在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行语言和语言学系工作, 主席将是导师,一名教员将是教员导师. 实习合同以学生的学术和专业兴趣作为智力起点,开发一个学期的项目. 与学生导师和教师顾问一起设计一个项目,将满足以下标准. Aligns with the student-tutor's academic program,b. 为学生导师提供了一个发展课程的机会,这些课程可以用于未来的教学任务,c. 鼓励学生-导师理论联系实际的创造力.d. 鼓励学生-导师在语言教学和学习过程中包容不同背景的学生. 要获得实习资格,学生必须具有良好的学术成绩(2).0 GPA), have completed 15 semester hours or have instructor permission; and ideally have completed or be currently enrolled in TESL 1400.

Key Performance Indicators:
To receive credit for an internship, 作为学生导师,每个学分需要在ESL专业工作至少45个小时, For each internship experience, 在教学作业中必须为一个班级写一个新的教案吗, a 2-3 page reflective paper, and a reflective journal. For each additional credit, 学生导师将与教师导师合作完成他们选择的额外项目. A passing grade will be evaluated from the following criteria:

Work Supervision Evaluation 15 to 25%

Work Documentation 10 to 15%

Reflective Essay 15 to 20%

Lesson Plan 20 to 25%

Journal 15 to 20%

Work Project 0 to 20%

Pedagogy Statement:
通过在ESL领域的工作,学生导师将建立理论与实践之间的联系. 他们将获得使用TESL 1400中介绍的策略和方法的实践经验. 学生导师将学习与来自不同背景的学生和学生导师进行谈判. 学生导师将通过日志反思他们所做的工作,并在学术顾问和工作主管的指导下发展自己的教学风格. This real-life experience is also a resume-worthy activity.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 15
Optimum Class Size: 10