

课程:LING 2660

部门:语言 & 语言学


目录描述语言理论的概论, 本课程将着重于语言系统, 包括它们如何在语言群体中存在, 特别注意音韵学的, 形态, 语法和语义. Examples of general linguistic principles will be drawn from English as well as other languages. 本课程原为ENGL 2660和TESL 2660.

信贷/时间要求: Credit: 3; 讲座: 3; Lab: 0


并修课程: N/A

的理由: Living in a global world, we can no longer look through the frames of a monolingual society. 因此,理解语言及其系统是至关重要的. 本课程讨论形态学, 音系学, 语言的语法和语义, 对于一个受过教育的人来说,在媒体使用的语言中,哪些是至关重要的, 文学, 以及人际沟通. 本课程探讨了所有语言的相似之处,以及它们的不同之处. 本课程满足GE人文学科的要求. 其他USHE院校也开设类似课程.The Humanities are a group of academic disciplines that study the many ways by which humans have attempted to understand themselves and their world. 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行, the Humanities focus on cultural traditions that are expressed largely through text or which have a strong textual component: language, 文学, 和哲学. 人文学科研究文化的方法是分析性的和解释性的, 客观与主观, 历史与美学.

1: A student who completes the GE curriculum has a fundamental knowledge of human 文化s and the natural world. An important goal for this course is to foster an appreciation for and understanding of language. 完成本课程后, 学生将灵活阅读, 分析, 在他们合成的时候充满想象力, 不记, 课程材料. Students will analyze language and texts as a window to the mind and a significant part of 文化. 本分析将探讨影响语言学习的个人因素和社会因素. Students will demonstrate their comprehension of language theory through in-class and group discussions, 还有考试.

2: A student who completes the GE curriculum can read and research effectively within disciplines. 学生将阅读课程材料和文章, 采访孩子或非母语人士并录音. They will also watch videos and sample video clips, and complete a linguistic analysis project. Students will demonstrate their ability to read critically and their ability to use electronic media (video and audio) as they complete a research paper that documents their research and data collection.

3: A student who completes the GE curriculum can draw from multiple disciplines to address complex problems. 学生将参与个人和小组活动来探索, 分析和解释来自不同设置和语言的数据. They will demonstrate their knowledge in writing by completing their 家庭作业 from each chapter.

4: 完成GE课程的学生可以进行分析性、批判性和创造性的推理. 在课程的最后几周, 学生将完成一份修订后的专题论文和报告. This paper will analyze and critically assess a second language learner's "interlanguage" or a child's linguistic development. This assignment is designed around the collaborative model and will include all elements of the writing process.

5: A student who completes the GE curriculum can communicate effectively through writing and speaking. Students will present and write about their findings from the final project paper where they analyze and critically assess a second language learner's "interlanguage" or a child's linguistic development.

1: 学生将能够研究语言系统如何影响思想和文化. 他们还将讨论“什么是语言”这个问题,以及语言决定论和文化相对主义的清晰理论. The core theme of this course explores what makes language and the philosophy and theory behind the most basic human trait: language. 学生将了解这一最基本的人类特征.

Students will demonstrate their understanding of the relationship between language and 文化 as well as linguistic theories through 小测验, 考试, 以及课堂讨论.  学生将能够研究语言系统如何影响思想和文化. 他们还将讨论“什么是语言”这个问题,以及语言决定论和文化相对主义的清晰理论. The core theme of this course explores what makes language and the philosophy and theory behind the most basic human trait: language. 学生将了解这一最基本的人类特征.

Students will demonstrate their understanding of the relationship between language and 文化 as well as linguistic theories through 小测验, 考试, 以及课堂讨论.

2: 通过对语言系统的研究,了解知识是如何产生的, 文学, 和/或哲学. 学生将了解语音学的基本原理, 音系学, 形态, 语法, 和语义. They will appreciate the relationship of these systems to social and regional variations of language. They will be able to diagram sentences and understand the inner workings of language and parts of speech. 通过语言分析, 学生将能够反思他们的母语, 用外语探索新概念, 并运用当代语言哲学理论.

Students will demonstrate their ability to analyze linguistic systems through class presentations, 家庭作业, 还有一个语言分析项目和论文.

3: Understand cultural traditions within an historical context and make connections with the present. Students will be able to comprehend that language theory and languages themselves are not static but constantly evolving. 他们将探索丰富的语言历史和语言分析与理论.

Students will demonstrate applications of past and present theories of language in their own native languages through in-class discussions, 小测验, 和考试.

4: 批判性地阅读和回应主要文本(原文), 未经解释)从人文学科的角度. 学生将能够阅读和分析文学文本,即.e. 刘易斯·卡罗尔的《胡言乱语, 以及其他主要文本, 包括录音和转录的演讲, 从语言学的角度来看(语言决定论), 普遍语法, 说明性的和. 描述性分析).

They will demonstrate their ability to read carefully and critically through in-class discussions, 考试, 还有一个最终的书面项目.

5: Write effectively within the Humanities discipline to analyze and form critical and aesthetic judgments. Students will be able to apply linguistic knowledge to an analytic research project where they examine a child or non-native speaker’s language to investigate the “mental grammar” of the speaker by reviewing the speaker's speech relative to 音系学, 形态, 语法, 语义, 和语用学.
This project will have a presentation component where students can discuss their findings with one another. They will also receive feedback from the instructor in order to help them revise their project paper before turning in for final assessment.






通过讲座和讨论的形式, this course will include the systems of language used in diverse linguistic communities and basic introduction to 音系学, 形态学的语法, 和语义. 说明性数据将取自英语和其他不同的语言. Considerable time will be spent in discussions of the practical applications of the principles taught. 此外,本课程将探讨语言的定义, 语言告诉我们什么是多重, 不同的做人方式, 以及如何获得或学习第一语言和第二语言的理论.

出席率10% - 15%

家庭作业10% - 15%


测验15 - 20%

学期论文15% - 20%

测试15 - 20%

Fromkin, Rodman, Hyams, An Introduction to Language, current edition, Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.

This course strives to create an environment where students actively learn and apply the course material by participating in regular class discussions and group activities. 首页work assignments are also assigned to ensure that students come well-prepared to take active part in these class activities. Students are encouraged to generously share their unique background knowledge of their first language, 哪些是学习课程材料的宝贵资源. 此外, 满足所有学生的各种学习需求, 不管他们的年龄, 文化, 残疾, 种族, 性别认同, 国籍, 比赛, 宗教, 性, and socioeconomic status are explicitly valued and accommodated through various types of teaching methods, 学习活动, 以及评估模式.




最大班级人数: 30
最佳班级规模: 20